This is not my first blog.'s my 4th or 5th. Yikes.
I start writing on various topics and somewhere along the happens.
Changing diapers. Playing cars with my son. Date nights with my husband. Girl time. Laundry.
But this year I've decided (and felt urged) to start a new blog . This blog differs from the others.
This blog is a journey....the stories of my life become words. And those words meet music. That music brings my story to life.
Over the next 6-9 months I will be in the studio recording an album.
Inspiration. Worship. Acoustic. Contemporary. Gospel. Prophetic. Everyday Living.
An album birthed out of some of the darkest times of my life that God somehow used to reveal Himself to me in a deeper way.
It is my heart's desire to share this journey with you.
Perhaps you can relate to knowing you're called for a great purpose, but never feeing as though you belong or fit in.
Maybe you've struggled with insecurities and intimidation like I have.
You may even know the pain of deep loss of a child, bond, job or even greater...the loss of your faith in God.
I pray that as you read the coming posts you are encouraged, challenged, strengthened & inspired.
I look forward to sharing with you....
Can't wait to share this journey with you, sis! And definitely can't wait to hear the beautiful music that God produces through you. My prayers are with you! Much love, Kim