Wednesday, September 12, 2012


In my early & mid 20's I did some amazing things & went to some amazing places with some amazing people.

Famous? Not hardly.

But I was known in a certain circle of people because I sang back up for a couple of legendary gospel artists.

While traveling and learning, I often found myself in a position to talk to other young ladies who were pursuing either a career in music or simply found themselves drawn to a celebrity lifestyle. I'll be the first to admit; I didn't know it all. I was thrust into the music industry and expected to act as a veteran, while in actuality I was a star struck novice. I couldn't believe I'd been chosen to sing with artists that I'd admired from afar; some even as early on as a child. This swift pace of change helped me to adapt to various environments, learn about the industry, and also grow within my own creativity and gifts.

If I'm honest I don't remember exactly how Keisha and I met. But I do remember that she was like a square peg trying to fit into a circle hole. She just didn't fit. I could tell she was searching for her niche , all the while allowing certain perceptions and opinions to create a little box for her.

I don't know why she looked up to me and chose me as a role model. I was pretty insecure myself and sporadically trying to swim through my own ocean of issues. But...we clicked. I didn't mind sharing advice with Keisha because she didn't expect me to be perfect. She just wanted honesty and a place to feel safe to share her wonderings.

On Sunday I watched Keisha and her husband host their son's 1st birthday party. I watched and marveled at how's she grown into this varied, intentional, contagious person. She's grown in her gifts...but more importantly she's grown into herself.

She's got spunk. She says what she means & means what she says. She loves hard. She's unapologetically herself...& I couldn't be more proud.

If a mentor is a TRUE mentor....they hope that those who learn from them will be greater than them.

Ms. Keisha is on her to becoming a light in this world that leads many to the untainted love of God.

She is indeed his chosen...His Ideeyah...and my little sister.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Weekend Randoms

Today marks my triumphant return to blogging!

*insert balloons, a marching band....and um...popcorn...YES! What's a celebration without popcorn?*

I am most thrilled that this return falls on a Monday which makes it perfectly reasonable for me to talk about the random things I realized over the weekend.

Random 1 :

I LOVE an 8:30 service on Sundays! Our 6yo had to sing during communion service at the Lutheran church that hosts his school. Now don't get me wrong: when the alarm went off at 7 & I attempted to cheerfully wake up my family, I failed. They all woke up in a funk.

But by 9:40 we were walking out of church holding hands (yes! Even the kiddos) , by 10 we were eating pancakes & omelets,  at 11 we were thumbing through books at Barnes & Noble and by 12:30 my kiddos were down for a nap.

It was perfect!

Now only if our home church had a service this early!

Random 2 :

I hate pumpkin flavoring.

Which brings me to my next point.....

Random 3 :

I am addicted to pumpkin spice lattes. No, really. I've had one every day since Friday & this addiction seems to have turned from ironically funny to stronghold in a matter of days. Besides the fact that I have no idea how I could possibly like pumpkin spice must be said...they are the bomb.

Random 4 :

We haven't had cable in 9 months. I've been okay with this (for the most part) since I only work about 15 hrs a week & don't travel for ministry as much as I used to. Since Mr. B is bringing hoe 80% of the bacon, I had to be willing to accept his budget projections. HOWEVER, Katie Couric is coming out with a new talk show today. Oh em geezy!!! I just think Katie Couric is right up there with Oprah when it comes to her ability to interview others with an objective style that pushes the envelope without losing compassion. What I wouldn't give for a 1 channel cable package today!

Random 5 :

Last week was hard in our house. Mr B's job had a payroll hiccup that effected him as well as 5 or 6 other employees. He was paid for only 3 days instead of 2 weeks. Talk about Jehovah Jireh!!! I have no idea how we were able to get groceries, gas, register our 3yo for preschool & have a little left over for me to treat the kiddos to a book each & toys (dollar store woot, woot!) It was all GOD!
This morning when I began to get anxious about obligations for the week until Friday, the Holy Spirit reminded me how we didn't miss a beat last week, and God will do the same for us this week.

Oh for grace to trust Him more!

So friends....tell was your weekend?